What’s Japan like? How to get a job in the nursing care field in Japan?
Let us introduce the basic information about Japan and four different types of status of residence to work as a care worker.


Nursing Care Benefits

Nursing Care Facilities and Nursing Care Benefits in Japan

Long-Term Care Insurance Facilities:
Nursing Care Service Companies:
The number of facilities includes intensive care homes for the elderly, long-term health care centers for the elderly and sanatorium medical facilities for the elderly requiring long-term care. The number of companies includes all the nursing care service companies except for long-term care insurance facilities, and it is increasing every year. The nursing care benefits, which also indicates the usage of nursing care service, is also increasing.
  • Results of ‘Survey of Institutions and Establishments for Long-term Care’ (2018), ‘Annual Report on Nursing Care Insurance: Business Report’ (2018) by the Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Status of Residence for Nursing Care

Features of Four Systems for Status of Residence

To work in the nursing care field, there are four systems for status of residence: ‘EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement)’ started in 2008; ‘Nursing Care’ and ‘Technical Intern Training’ started in 2017; Specified Skilled Worker started in 2019.

EPANursing CareTechnical Intern TrainingSpecified Skilled Worker
Status of Residence'Designated Activities''Nursing Care' ※4'Technical Intern Training (i)-(iii)'※7'Specified Skilled Worker (i)'
Purpose of SystemAcceptance for the purpose if acquiring Certified Care Worker national qualification and enhancement of international cooperationAcceptance of international workers in specialist/technical areasTransfer of skills from Japan to another countryAcceptance of foreign nationals with specific expertise/skills to address labor shortage
Operationg CountryIndonesia, the Philippines, VietnamNo limitationNo limitationNo limitation
Period of Residence4 years(No limitation after obtaining a Certified Care Worker qualification)No limitation5 years maximum ※85 years maximum ※8
Accompaniment of Family MembersFamily members(spouse/child)※1Family members(spouse/child)N/AN/A
Japanese Language SkillsN3 ※2N2 ※5N4CFER2、Japanese language skills necessary for working in long-term care※10
Qualification and Study Experience in Their Home CountryGraduate of nursing related school or has government certification as care worker in home countryDepending on the individualDepending on the supervising organizationsIndividual with specific knowledge/skills ※11
Requirement to Take Certified Care Worker National ExaminationYes ※3Yes ※6N/A ※9N/A ※9
Acceptance Support and Support OrganizationsJICWELS(International Welfare Agency)N/AEach supervising organizationRegistered supporting organizations
  • ※1After obtaining a Certified Care Worker qualification.
  • ※2Requirements at time of entry for the Philippines: N5 or higher level, Indonesia: N4 or higher level, Vietnam: N3 or higher level.
  • ※3As an exception, individuals who fail the exam but satisfy certain scores may have residence extended for one year only and take the examination again.
  • ※4Provided. However, ‘Student’ before obtaining a Certified Care Worker qualification.
  • ※5Some schools require N2 or higher level.
  • ※6Individuals who graduated between April 2017 and March 2022 can obtain a Certified Care Worker qualification either by passing the national examination within five years, or engaging in long-term care for five years after graduation.
  • ※7Year 1: ‘Technical Intern Training (i)’ Year 2-3: ‘Technical Intern Training (ii)’ Year 4-5: ‘Technical Intern Training (iii)’
  • ※8Provided. However, the status of residence ‘Nursing Care’ can be selected when certification is obtained, enabling permanent employment. A technical intern trainee who completed the third year is exempted from the examination for obtaining ‘Specific Skilled Worker (i)’ (if the status of residence is changed, the maximum period of residence becomes ten years, with technical intern and specified skills).
  • ※9Status of residence may be converted to ‘Nursing Care’ by obtaining a Certified Care Worker qualification.
  • ※10Must pass ‘Japan Foundation Test for Basic Japanese (JFT-Basic)’ developed by The Japan Foundation, and ‘Nursing Care Japanese Language Evaluation Test’ developed by the Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. An individual with JLPT N4 or higher level is exempted from JFT-Basic.
  • ※11Must pass ‘Nursing Care Skills Evaluation Test’ developed by the Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

The Steps Required until Recruitment

According to a status of residence chosen, the steps you need to take until recruitment differ. If you obtain ‘EPA’ or ‘Nursing Care’ with a national qualification for Certified Care Worker, you can work permanently in Japan. As for ‘Technical Intern Training’ and ‘Specified Skilled Worker,’ you will be able to utilize the skills you obtained while you were staying in Japan when you go back to your country.

The Steps Required until Recruitment
  • ※1Graduates between April 2017 and March 2022 are required to pass the national examination within five years, or engage in long-term care for five years after graduation.
  • ※2 The course within the dotted lines is to be established in the future.
  • ※3Those who entered into Japan as EPA Certified Care Worker candidates and worked or trained appropriately for four years are exempted from skill test and Japanese proficiency test which are required for qualification as a Specific Skilled Worker (i).